Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Men are from Mars...

I've heard this saying for years but had an up close experience just the other day...

I am a slob by nature. That shouldn't come as a surprise to any of you, but I am just recently coming to grips with it. In my head, everything has its own home, is color coded, and life runs smoothly. Too bad I don't live in my head. I have been riding this roller coaster of stressful disastrous living and crazy cleaning lady living, never finding that nice smooth coasting speed. So, I have caved in and hired a professional organizer. That's right, a professional. She is great! This is a wonderful godly woman who has used her tendencies to be a clean freak for the betterment of the community. She has come to my home, assessed my needs, assembled a plan, and will hopefully be coming to help me get things underway very soon. I am thrilled beyond measure. I am seeing some hope of victory over this demon of a junk problem that I have. I am praying for a revolution! My husband, however, thinks this is silly. To his defense, he has never said this out loud, but in his head I know he is thinking "you are home all day, honey... tell me again why you are having trouble with this." He just doesn't get it.

I have recently become excited about gardening (not like hanging out in it all day or anything, just having pretty things that actually live!) and the appearance of my lawn. My daddy always kept the lawn well manicured - I have very vivid memories of my dad with a lawn mower. I apparently, unknowingly, I brought that expectation into my marriage. Jason doesn't appear to have that same passion. It has proven an area of frustration in our lives, to be quite honest. The other day, I found him researching riding mowers.

"Whatcha doing?" (partly out of curiosity, partly sarcastic)
"Looking at mowers on Craig's List."
"Oh. Why?" (still sarcastic)
"Just looking."

In my head I'm thinking, "you are a strong, young man. Why don't you just suck it up and push mow that yard? Afterall, it's great cardio, right?" I just didn't get it.

Then it clicked! His desire to have that mower was just like my desire to hire an organizer. Truth be known, I could dig down deep (really, really deep) and tackle the mound 'o laundry in the house. I really could get it all sorted and find a workable way to keep it under control. But it is really hard for me. A struggle, even. Therefore, it just doesn't always get done. Mowing is the same for him. Really, he is perfectly capable of push mowing the yard and keeping it tidy. He can walk around the back yard for two hours dodging dog poop and kids toys to chop down the jungle. But it is really frustrating for him. Miserable, really. Therefore, it doesn't always get done.

Though we may not totally understand each other, we are willing to invest a little cash into helping life be a little less stressful, a little more tidy, and lot more fun!

So here's to professional organizers and riding mowers!


Manya said...

This is too funny! And you are right,men and women are very different.Good luck with the organizing ad mowing. I bet you could save some of that mower money and hire a teen (mine maybe) to do it for you. just a thought.:)

Christy said...

Up until three days ago, we were "that yard" on our block. You know the one I'm talking about...can't find the kids b/c they're concealed by the weeds. So I'm thinking that Will and Jason should get together and console each other.