Friday, May 29, 2009

To match or not to match

It was almost unanimous - let the boy dress himself. So, I have been and it is surprisingly liberating! I will still put my foot down for certain occasions, but plan to use them as teaching opportunities as well. Thanks for your input!


So this post is a readers' poll - that instantly makes me laugh because I only know of like 2 readers, but none-the-less -

Thad has recently had an explosion of independence. He's now able to do things like turn on the spigot, get ice from the automatic dispenser, drag a stool to the cupboard and get out whatever he wants - you know those kinds of things. Some of them make me quite proud and, honestly, are very helpful. Others, well, not so much.

One in particular has placed me in quite a predicament - dressing himself. When he decides to actually wear clothes (you see nudity is the cool thing around here), he likes to pick them out and put them on himself. Wonderfully helpful when I am chasing around a quick footed, naked, potty-training 2-year old. So what's the problem you might ask. His fashion sense is, well, less than savory. I'm not talking slight fashion faux pas here people. I mean MAJOR law breaking.

In case you can't tell from this shot (the fact that I am working SUPER DUPER hard to convince my hubby that we need an awesome digital SLR is a whole 'nother post!) he is proudly wearing a loud striped T - backwards! - with pale plaid shorts.

So, what's a mom to do? Do I brag on him incessantly for taking the initiative to dress himself and simply overlook the hideousness of the outfit? Or, do I gently encourage him to find matching pieces and risk crushing the do-it-myself spirit he's exhibiting?

Your advice would be greatly appreciated!


Christy said...

I'm one of your readers! Mine is still to young to dress himself. But, I'm bracing myself to let him wear whatever he wants. I guess because my mom let me wear these hideous, to-big, cowboy boots around one summer when I was little and I thought I was the greatest thing in the world. It made for great pictures and great memories (and a reason for my family to laugh at me til this day)!

Tina said...

I will read your blog now that I know about it. :)
Wes dresses himself every once in awhile - usually when grandpa is with him (grandpa is a wee bit more lenient than I am). Look at it as a way for him to express his individuality that is not hurting anyone...that's how I (try) to look at it. :) Of course, every once in a while, mommy gets to dress him in seersucker and polos...and he has to get over it! :) Wes has a blog, too, and I am a terrible updater, but I'm trying to do better.

unc00ref said...

When we are home I let Brooks wear whatever he wants. Even if he wants to stay in his PJs for hours into the day. Or wear his shorts with both legs in one hole and the other hold flapping in the wind.

But - when we leave the house, mommy gets to pick what he wears and make sure it's all on correctly.

Christy said...

Ok, here comes the voice of dissent. I don't think there's anything wrong with gently teaching your child that not everything looks good together. Instead of saying, "Hey Thad, that's the ugliest outfit I've ever seen," you could tell him how much you like his shirt and then show him which pair of shorts matches it.

Debbie said...

There is the danger that Thad may grow up to be one of those men whose clothes never match but considering the GQ style of his dad, that is not likely to happen. I used to hang my kids outfits on little hangers all matched up and that helped but most of the time they picked an outfit from the pile of clean laundry that never seems to get folded.

I would let the little man express himself and praise him for doing it. When he does an especially great job of expressing himself, call me so that I can come see him.

nancygrayce said...

AWW...I agree, let him make all the choices that he can now! As the mother of grown children, how I wish I had let them make more choices then!