Friday, November 20, 2009

Early morning truths

In the process of rebuking Thad this morning, the following took place:

Me: Thad. That is unacceptable! I will not have you doing that to my furniture.

Thad: YOUR furniture?! It's GOD'S furniture! EVERYTHING belongs to Him Mom!!!

What 's a mom supposed to do with that?!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Peez Mama...

Hudson's precious moment of the day:

"Peez put on my rainbow coat and I go outside and pay my byself. Ok Mama?"
(Please put on my raincoat so I can go outside and play by myself. Ok Mama?)

The sweet words of babes. Warms my heart!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

God according to Thad

Here was today's revelation:
(...random discussion of David and Goliath...)
Thad: Yeah Hudson, because God is...He's just everything! He can make a lamp to His feet. Dude, He can make His feet LAMPS!!!

Now that's one powerful God my friends!