Monday, August 15, 2011

Need a name

For 6+ years, it has been MaLedford and the Boys around our place.  We've enjoyed living in the land of bugs, trucks, and superheroes.

But, that's all gonna be changing soon! In a matter of weeks, a little girl is going to be joining our ranks.  (I know, a Ledford GIRL!!!) Though there is much to be done before her arrival, we are super thrilled and looking forward with great anticipation to the day she comes.

With that in mind, "MaLedford and the Boys" will no longer be an adequate title for our family blog.  That's where you come in...I need suggestions! Got something catchy for me to consider??? I'd love to hear from you.  Leave your idea in the comments section below!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Unexpected fruit...

We've been plenty busy since my last post.  So busy, I've not taken the time to update!  Today's event, however, was too good to pass up.

First, some background:

In the past weeks, God has been showing me much about my role as mother.  There is enough wrapped into that revelation that I could craft many a blog post, but alas, I will refrain {for now}. One of the major lessons I am fighting learning is that the lessons learned and the effort exerted during parenting isn't at all for MY glory.  Rather it is designed to bring glory to the Father.  This is pretty difficult for a girl who only likes to tackle things that she knows ahead of time she will be good at and receive  accolades for.

Jason and I have spent much time in discussion and prayer in recent weeks about parenting with a purpose.  A Godly purpose.  We have talked through rules, consequences, grace, mercy, rewards, allowance, yelling, spanking {I mean let's be honest here} and a plethora of other things.  We've read some books, some blogs, griped talked to friends, even travelled to family camp in MI to try to become experts on all things family in order to best fulfill this role of parent.  All the while, God is showing me that the glory or fruit isn't mine to receive...

...until today.  Praise Him for His good gifts!!!  I was dead-to-the-world when the boys got up this morning.  Like every morning, they came down, found me awake woke me up, and moseyed into the den for their daily TV fix.  Only the TV is not what I heard.  Instead it was a drastically different sound.  A very distinct one.  A sort of clanging of glass and metal.  A slamming of cabinets and drawers.  As the sounds continued and became more and more familiar, I began to think I had fallen back asleep.  Yes, I was dreaming.  My ears were mistaken.  I MUST be dreaming.

Really?!  Yes, really!  My precious little children arose this morning, greeted their mother warmly and gently as she was still snuggled in her bed, and then proceeded to UNLOAD THE DISHWASHER.  Go ahead, rub your eyes and re-read 4 and 6 year old unloaded the dishwasher.  Completely unprompted.  No bribing or begging involved.  No threats hurled.  No "deals" made.  No nickels exchanged.   Just a precious, loving, and pure act of kindness and service from the hearts of my babies.  What a way to start the day!

Lord, thank you that you chose to show me fruit of my labor today.  Thank you for beginning to soften the hearts of my children unto You and Your ways.  Thank you that, even on the hardest of days, I have the privilege of being their mother.  Thank you that you shelter them while their mom stumbles through this process called parenting.  And thank you, THANK YOU for allowing me to wake up to an empty dishwasher!!!