Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Potty training woes

Upon our return from our recent missions trip, our little one made the first move towards using the potty. He has been interested for a while, but I have been dragging my feet. It is just easier to go out in public with him in a diaper. Not cost effective, but easier.

No more. "Tee tee potty Mommy" is the new mantra at our house.

That's cool. I'm game. We tackled that task rather quickly and painlessly with kid #1, so I'm ready, right?


Thad was an equal opportunity accident haver. Anytime, any place, any attire. If he was gonna wet, he wet. We just set a timer for every 15 minutes (crazy, I know) and carted him off to the throne. Most accidents were cleared up within a week.

My sweet, precious dimpled Hudson is totally different. His little brain has quickly registered the bathroom signals and he relays the message to us, usually in time. With one large exception...if he has on any type of clothing, all bets are off. Diaper, undies, and training pants alike have all fallen victim to this exception.

The result? A stark naked baby. He is parading around the house and yard (back yard, of course) sans clothes and loving every minute of it!

Perhaps this is just a ploy to be naked...hmm...is he playing me? Am I being duped? Has my two year old constructed a masterful plan and succeeded?! AHH!!!

I digress...

We are praying potty training comes quickly, but in the mean time, don't stop by unless you are prepared to see our precious Streaker!