Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Quick as a wink

I've been hesitant to post this due to the fear of hate mail, but I need to share my excitement:

Hudson is potty trained!

Just like that. All on his own. My sweet little 2 year old. He has done it! No more diapers, no pull ups, (not even the swell diaper covers sweet Holly let me borrow!) just ole fashioned undies for him.

This should do wonders for the grocery envelope!

The clothing envelope is another story...clothes don't fit quite the same without diapers and one pieces aren't very potty friendly. Never fear, the clothing exchanges and our MB outlet trip are just around the corner!

For now, the sweet bliss of diaper free living - at least for a while :)


a girl named pete said...

Enjoy! I can remember talking to my sister on the phone and how happy she was one day when she said "For the first time in 8 years none of my kids are in diapers!" Her last child had finally been potty trained. She waited a bit longer with her son, the youngest, to potty-train him b/c he was also her baby and it meant once he was trained her kids were no longer babies.

Life in the Express Lane:Douglas Style said...

Have you actually found teeny underwear that fit that cute, sweet, teeny heiny? I have been looking, and they don't seem to come in anything under 2T (which is hard to find) for boys! (I found 18mo for girls...)
I am THRILLED for you!!! I am looking forward to that the distant future... ;)