Friday, November 5, 2010

Fall Playdough

We had a great week this week at school and I actually caught some of it on film!

The necessary ingredients for our monthly playdough (I got my recipe here).  For fall, we used whole wheat flour (it produced a great natural brown color) and a dash of cinnamon for a yummy smell - way better than the old store bought stuff!

My little helpers anxious to begin.  I'm not great at incorporating kitchen activities into our day, so they were thrilled when they realized I was serious about cooking together.  They loved being able to measure out and pour the ingredients.  I do require that they sit on a stool at a safe distance from the stove while we cook.

The finished product!  It made a lot more dough than I expected.  It was plenty for both boys to be able to work with at the same time.  

The test run proved successful! I was concerned they would quickly grow bored with just one color of dough and no "toys."  On the contrary, they played for nearly 30 minutes with nothing more than their little hands.  Thad even created a nativity scene.  "You know Mom, the place where baby Jesus was born?"

The smell was great and the clean up much easier than our usual alternative.  I'm sold.  No more store bought for us!  We will enjoy the creative options of making our own.  

We used our yummy scented fall playdough in several activities this week, including our Batman Pack.  More on that to come...I don't want to exhaust my current streak of blogging zeal on one post!

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