Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nice try...

So I've discovered, I'm just not the blogging type.  {Collective gasp of utter surprise!} I mean, if I can't even get my daily household chores done, my kids schooled, and dinner on the table in a timely fashion, why in the world would I expect myself to stay on top of a blog?!  Silly me.

Though it isn't posted for all to see - and by all I mean the 4 people who read this blog - life indeed goes on in the Ledford house.  Hudson is completely boycotting school right now, so that portion of our lives is a little out of whack, but alas, we continue to plug along.

Here are some clips from the past few {ahem} months:

 Thad, Hudson, and the "big kids" heading our to conquer the arctic villains during our Christmas snow storm.

 Hudson and Uncle Joe creatively passing time while we wait for Christmas dinner to be served.  Apparently that bowl makes a pretty mean reflection!

 Thad enjoying one of his awesome new toys, Qwirkle  (thanks Bebe & Pops!) on the kitchen floor .  I even made it in a picture!!!

 Proof that school has indeed taken place since November! The boys love to use their Do-A-Dot markers.

 As a motivator to get Thad to read, he's been reading these cards and then taping them in place all over the house.

 Our first stab at Pick and Draw, and super cool game that came in Thad's stocking.

 More winter work...

  My attempt to beat the winter blues by being crafty! Hudson helped me sort some of my old crayons, back from my public school days, and we made homemade ones.  They took longer than I expected, but turned out cute.  I was more impressed than the boys, of course.

1 comment:

Miki said...

This is really neat. I am looking forward to checking back and seeing what you guys and girl are up to. I particularly am interested in seeing what you do in home school. I use to teach mine but the youngest one is now 26. I still enjoy seeing what today's families are doing.