Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Early Morning Fun

So, many of you know that for various reasons, I am "home schooling" Thad versus sending him to formal preschool. We are definitely keeping a loose schedule and trying to catch learning opportunities in everyday living. Thad loves to have books read to him. He goes through phases of obsession with one or two books that we read EVERY night. Hudson has recently begun bringing books to me and climbing in my lap to have them read to him. One such occurrence was just this morning as I was working on uploading photos. Hudson slammed one of Thad's favs on my lap. I told Hudson to take the book to his brother, hoping that Thad would buy me some time on the trusty laptop. Little did I know how well he would handle the situation. The following video captures the moment (thanks to the digital camera that also takes short videos!)


So, just kidding - still working on the video posting thing. Not a really happy camper right now. That's okay, we will just keep you in suspense! Hopefully I can get it up soon.


Christy said...

Hey lady! So glad to see posts on your blog! But alas, as you may have figured out, there is no video here for us to view. Not that I can say much, I've never even attempted to attach a video. Can't wait to see your cute little guys though. Miss you!

Jason and Carla Ledford said...

So, I'm SUPER frustrated about this video thing. Many many hours went into the attempted luck. I guess that is what I get for jumping in feet first...maybe I should slow down :)