Friday, October 17, 2008

Surely we can do this...

I have recently discovered that I am pretty good at getting really excited about something and slam full of great intentions, but not so hot at the follow through. I dream of all the the cards I will make and send to my friends, cool field trips I will take the boys on, organization projects I would like to undertake, you know, good stuff. Those things just roll around in my head and never find their way out. But, I really thought we were ready for this blogging thing. I mean, all of our friends are doing it, we have plenty of toddler mayhem to share, and precious pictures of our kids. So, what is the probelm? I guess the fact that I am still sitting with the same cold cup of coffee from 2 hours ago, yelling at my 3 year old over the screen of the laptop, trying to convince my 17 month old that mommy needs just a few more minutes before she can "clo" (his sweet way of saying close) the computer, and Jason and I had to try several logins to even get access to the page, hinders the flow of great blogging.

I am still convinced it is in us to do it. Somehow, someway. So, here we go with attempt number two or three or whatever, to get this up and running again. I ask your forgiveness ahead of time as my writing will probably lack finess, humor, and correct grammar. However, I will do my best to record the hilarious goings on from inside our home.


justin said...

You know we love to hear your stories Mama Led!

Personally, I recommend downloading Live Writer (from Microsoft) to write/manage the blog.


Holly said...

if you write it...i'll read it! i love good stories from the ledford home.